Friday 7th of March 2025

Contoh Report Text Singkat Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hewan Alam Liar Terbaru 2023, Buat Bahasa Inggrismu Makin Lancar

Contoh Report Text Singkat Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hewan Alam Liar Terbaru 2023, Buat Bahasa Inggrismu Makin Lancar


Contoh Report Text Singkat Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hewan Alam Liar

Report Text About Jaguar

Jaguar is famous animal in Asia because there is a car named after the animal although it does not live here. It can be seen in some points, that the jaguar belongs to the cat family since it is one of his four big cats along with the lion, the tiger and the leopard, that’s why a jaguar is often mistaken for a leopard. A jaguar, however, has larger rosette markings, a stronger body and a shorter tail. The jaguar is brownish yellow In color and has spots on the head.

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Jaguars can live in a various location, such as in rainforest and wet grassland in central and south America. The jaguar is an clever hunter, while the other roaring cats kill their preys by biting it at the neck, the jaguar kills them by biting it through its skull. It usually kills small animals but it can also attack and kill cattle or deer.

Terjamahan Report Text Tentang Jaguar :

Jaguar adalah hewan yang terkenal di Asia karena ada mobil yang dinamai dengan nama hewan tersebut meskipun hewan tersebut tidak tinggal di daerah ini. Dapat dilihat dari beberapa poin, bahwa jaguar termasuk dalam keluarga kucing besar karena merupakan salah satu dari empat kucing besar itu bersama dengan singa, harimau dan macan tutul, itu sebabnya jaguar sering salah disebut menjadi macan tutul. 
