Monday 24th of February 2025

Daftar Gaji Karyawan PT Freeport Terbaru 2023 Untuk Semua Divisi dan Jabatan

Daftar Gaji Karyawan PT Freeport Terbaru 2023 Untuk Semua Divisi dan Jabatan


Baca juga: Statistik Pendaftaran PPDB Jawa Timur (Jatim) Tahun 2022 Lengkap Dengan Catatan Nilai Terendah dan Tertinggi yang Diterima

Baca juga: Format Penilaian Ujian Praktek IPS Kelas 9 SMP Ekonomi Kreatif 2023/2024 dan Panduan Penilaian Sekolah Untuk Guru

Baca juga: Download Contoh Format Daftar Nilai Siswa Excel Kurikulum Merdeka Untuk SD, SMP, Hingga SMA

No. Posisi Jabatan Gaji / Bulan
1. Accounting Rp9.000.000
2. Acting Foreman Rp12.000.000
3. Admin Rp5.000.000
4. Administrative Assistant Rp6.000.000
5. Administrative Specialist Rp8.000.000
6. Assistant Planner Rp8.200.000
7. Aviation Rp18.000.000
8. Business Intelligence Analyst Rp16.200.000
9. Chief Architecture Rp21.000.000
10. Chief Financial Officer Rp17.000.000
11. Chief Geotechnical Rp20.000.000
12. Civil Construction Rp14.500.000
13. Construction Supervisor Rp18.000.000
14. Cost Control Analyst Rp10.500.000
15. Costumer Services Rp4.000.000
16. Driller Rp7.000.000
17. Electrical/Instrument Engineer Rp11.500.000
18. Electrician Tram Rp8.000.000
19. Emergency Preparedness & Response Rp9.000.000
20. Environmental Scientist Rp12.500.000
21. Field Engineer Rp9.500.000
22. Fire Technician Rp8.000.000
23. Fleet Operations Support Rp6.000.000
24. Foreman Rp14.000.000
25. General Superintendent Rp16.000.000
26. Geologist Resource Model Rp10.000.000
27. Geotechnical Specialist Rp12.000.000
28. Graphic Designer Rp5.800.000
29. Head of Recruitment Rp14.500.000
30. Head of Shipping & Export Import Rp22.500.000
31. HR admin Rp5.000.000
32. HR Assistant Rp6.000.000
33. HR Officer Rp4.600.000
34. Human Resouces Development (HRD) Rp8.500.000
35. Human Resources Experience Rp6.300.000
36. Human Resources Manager Rp18.500.000
37. Information Technology and Innovations Rp14.600.000
38. Instructor Rp9.100.000
39. Internal Auditor Rp12.100.000
40. Internship / Magang Rp3.000.000
41. IT Auditor Rp11.000.000
42. IT Infrastructure Rp10.300.000
43. IT Network Rp14.000.000
44. IT Specialist Rp17.400.000
45. IT Superintendent Rp16.000.000
46. IT Support Rp8.000.000
47. Junior Buyer Rp4.100.000
48. Legal Counsel Rp12.000.000
49. Logistics Supervisor Rp14.000.000
50. Maintenance Coordinator Rp11.100.000
51. Maintenance General Superintendent Rp12.300.000
52. Maintenance Planner Rp10.000.000
53. Maintenance Supervisor Rp14.000.000
54. Manpower Strategy Officer Rp8.000.000
55. Mechanical Engineer Rp12.000.000
56. Metallurgist Rp14.000.000
57. Mine Engineer Rp12.500.000
58. Occupation Health & Safety Rp9.000.000
59. Office Boy Rp2.800.000
60. Operator Rp8.000.000
61. Perawat Rp6.000.000
62. Planning Engineer Rp10.500.000
63. Programmer Rp15.000.000
64. Project Control Rp6.300.000
65. Project Engineer Rp7.000.000
66. Purchaser Rp4.500.000
67. Quality Officer Rp4.800.000
68. Recruitment Officer Rp5.000.000
69. Relay Setting Engineer Rp7.200.000
70. Safety Officer Rp5.000.000
71. Safety Specialist Rp6.700.000
72. Secretary of Vice President Rp18.000.000
73. Security / Satpam Rp4.800.000
74. Software Engineer Rp13.000.000
75. Superintendent Rp8.500.000
76. Superintendent Automation Technology Rp9.500.000
77. Superintendent Contracts Rp7.300.000
78. Superintendent Project Quarry & Production Rp10.000.000
79. Superintendent Safety Rp8.500.000
80. Superintendent Underground Engineering Rp9.500.000
81. Supply Chain Practitioner Rp7.800.000
82. Surveyor Rp5.200.000
83. Talent Acquisition Professional Rp9.200.000
84. Technical Consultant Rp8.000.000
85. Technician of Soil Mechanics Laboratory Rp10.600.000
86. Undergraduate Civil Engineering Student Rp7.100.000
87. Underground Dispatcher of Underground Mine Rescue Rp13.000.000
88. Underground GBC Production Foreman Rp12.500.000
89. Underground Geotechnical Manager Rp22.500.000
90. Underground Mine Geotech Rp14.200.000
91. Vice President Rp35.000.000

Nah, demikianlah informasi mengenai daftar gaji karyawan PT Freeport terbaru 2023 yang dapat kami sampaikan. Semoga informasi di atas bisa bermanfaat!
