Contoh Daily Activity Dari Bangun Tidur Sampai Tidur Lagi Cocok Buat Bikin Konten A Day In My Life yang Lagi Viral

Contoh Daily Activity Dari Bangun Tidur Sampai Tidur Lagi
1. Contoh daily activity seorang karyawan
I work during 5 days then get 2 days off. On working days, I wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. Then, I do my bed and clean my room. I wash my face, brush my teeth, prepare breakfast for 30 minutes.
After that, I do yoga for about 20 to 30 minutes. At 6 o’clock I prepare my uniform and working stuff. I have a shower then prepare my self to work. Before going to work, I pray for a while to thank God about everything. Then, I go to work by bus at 6.40. I walk to a bus stop and wait
for a bus. I usually arrive at my office at 7.15 and start working at 7.30.
I love my job as an accountant in one national company. I always finish all tasks punctually so I don’t bring any task home. At 5.00 I go home by bus or sometimes with my friend. Her house is near my house so we often go home together by her car.
Sometimes I hang out with friends until 7 o’clock. At 7 o’clock I take a bath, then I eat dinner. Before go to bed, I usually spend time for reading a book, watching a movie or listening to music. Finally, I sleep at 11 p.m
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2. Contoh daily activity siswa
- 05.00 : Bangun tidur dan merapikan tempat tidur
- 05.15 : Mandi dan menunaikan shalat shubuh
- 05.40 : Menyiapkan peralatan sekolah
- 06.20 : Memakai seragam
- 06.45 : Berangkat sekolah
- 12.00 : Istirahat dan shalat dhuhur
- 13.30 : Pulang sekolah
- 13.45 : Makan siang