Thursday 13th of March 2025

Kumpulan Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Tahun 2023, Beserta Kunci Jawaban!

Kumpulan Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Tahun 2023, Beserta Kunci Jawaban!


6. Where is Mr. Kardi going?
A. to office
B. to laboratory
C. to class-room
D. to staff office

7. Where is Wahyu going?
A. to library
B. to laboratory
C. to canteen
D. to parking lot

8. Dicky : Let’s have meal at canteen!
Deni : Not now, we will have break at ….
A. nine to half
B. half to nine
C. nine past half
D. half past nine

9. What time is it?
A. ten o’clock
B. ten past ten
C. a half past ten
D. ten to ten

10. Indra : Why are you holding your stomach? What’s the matter, Indah?
Indah : I have a … I ate too many chilies.
Indra : Let’s go to the medical room now.
Indah: O.K.
A. toothace
B. headache
C. backache
D. stomachache

11. Erlin : Morning, dad.
Mr. Ad : Morning, dear. Your right eye is red. Are you all right?
Erlin : I have … dad.
Mr. Ad : Don’t rub it. Let me put eye drops in your eyes.
Erlin : Thanks, dad.
A. sore throat
B. sore eye
C. backache
D. headache

12. Nana : Rama, I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why are you late?
Rama : … I have a flat tire.
A. Thanks
B. No problem
C. I’m sorry
D. Det well soon

Baca juga: Download Kumpulan Soal Latihan SBdP US Kelas 6 SD/MI Terbaru & Terlengkap

Baca juga: Link Download Soal TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik) PDF Gratis, Pelajari Ini Untuk Persiapkan Diri Masuk Kuliah

Baca juga: Contoh Soal Materi Gelombang Mekanik Kelas 11 SMA Dan Pembahasan, Pelajari Gambaran Soalnya Berikut Ini !
13. Edwin : Erlin, could you accompany me to a bookstore?
Erlin : Certainly.
Edwin : ….
Erlin : Nevermind.
A. I’m sorry
B. You’re wellcome
C. Thank you
D. Very well, thanks.

Text for number 14 and 15

Arman : Hello Mansyur. How are you?
Mansyur : I am fine, and you?
Arman : I am fine too. What a surprise to meet you here. What are you doing here? Are you on vacation?
Mansyur: Yes, oups. That’s the whistle for my train. See you!
Arman : ….

14. Where does the conversation take place?
A. in the claasroom
B. at the library
C. at the bus station
D. at the rallway station

15. Which one that suitable to fill in the blank of dialogue?
A. certainly
B. fine
C. Bye, take care
D. fine

Nah, demikianlah informasi mengenai Latihan Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SMP MTS Kelas 7 semester 2 yang dapat kami sampaikan dan bisa untuk latihan mengerjaakan soal sebelum ujian. Semoga informasi di atas bisa bermanfaat dan sukses selalu!
