Contoh Soal Essay Conditional Sentence Type 1 2 3, Disertai dengan Kunci Jawabannya

17. Siti wished that Aminah had married with him Fact :
18. If you planted this seed, you would take this fruit.. Fact :
19. You wished that Sayyid played footbal now Fact :
20. They cried loudly as if they had gotten a big problem Fact :
21. If you learned this science well, you would able to face this problem. Fact :
22. Mario wouldn’t have gotten problem, if mario had said truly to others. Fact :
23. Tamada would help you, If you were a kind man. Fact :
24. Ameen will kick this ball, if you give him a ball. Fact :
25. He would rather he had visited Malang last year Fact :
26. If Sabrina were governor last year, Mashar would be her assistant . Fact :
27. He would rather Annisa had repaired her bycycle last night Fact :
28. Paimo would visit Japan, If he joined this examination last month Fact :
29. Paijo wouldn’t be sleepy, If paijo drank coffee now. Fact :
30. Helmi wished that he had understood this problem Fact :
Baca juga: Contoh Soal Masuk Unisba Tahun 2023 Lengkap Dengan Kunci Jawabannya, Pelajari di Sini
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Kunci Jawaban:
1. Fact : british doesn’t attack Suirabaya so we will not attack british
2. Fact : Netherland doesn’t capture Indonesia forever
3. Fact : I joined you last night, so I got accident