Monday 24th of February 2025

Rincian Gaji Karyawan Indomaret Tahun 2023: Gaji Pokok hingga Tunjangan Lengkap

Rincian Gaji Karyawan Indomaret Tahun 2023: Gaji Pokok hingga Tunjangan Lengkap


Nah, berikut ini adalah daftar gaji karyawan Indomaret terbaru 2023:

No. Jabatan/ Posisi Rata-rata Gaji Per Bulan
1. Customer Service Rp 2,8 Jt
2. Database Administration Rp 4,0 Jt
3. Designer Rp 2,5 Jt
4. Development Rp 4,0 Jt
5. Digital Strategist Rp 4,0 Jt
6. Drafter Rp 2,5 Jt
7. Drafter Estimator Rp 2,5 Jt
8. Driver Rp 2,8 Jt
9. EDP Rp 2,2 Jt
10. EDP Assistant Staff Rp 2,5 Jt
11. EDP IT Rp 2,8 Jt
12. Electronic Data Processing Rp 2,6 Jt
13. Electronic Data Processing Area Rp 4,0 Jt
14. Electronic Data Processing IT Rp 2,6 Jt
15. Engineering Coordinator Rp 3,5 Jt
16. Engineering Staff Rp 4,0 Jt
17. Equipment Operator Rp 2,5 Jt
18. F and B Cashier Rp 3,1 Jt
19. Field Supervisor Rp 2,5 Jt
20. Finance Accounting Rp 3,9 Jt
21. Franchise Manager Rp 10,0 Jt
22. Front Liner Fresh Graduate Rp 1,9 Jt
23. General Affair Rp 4,0 Jt
24. General Cashier Rp 3,0 Jt
25. General Manager Rp 11,6 Jt
26. Head Store Rp 3,6 Jt
27. Helper Rp 2,3 Jt
28. HR and GA Rp 6,0 Jt
29. HRD Rp 3,5 Jt
30. Human Resources and Employee Benefit Staff Rp 4,0 Jt
31. Human Resources Development Supervisor Rp 6,0 Jt
32. Human Resources Supervisor Rp 6,0 Jt
33. Information Technology Rp 10,0 Jt
34. Information Technology Network Staff Rp 4,0 Jt
35. Information Technology Support Rp 4,3 Jt
36. Infrastructure IT Staff Rp 4,0 Jt
37. Internal Audit Staff Rp 6,0 Jt
38. Internal Audit Supervisor Rp 6,0 Jt
39. Inventory Control Rp 2,2 Jt
40 IT Analyst Rp 4,2 Jt
41. IT App Development (MT IT) Rp 3,9 Jt
42. IT Business Analyst Rp 8,0 Jt
43. IT Junior Manager Rp 8,0 Jt
44. IT Manager Rp 10,0 Jt
45. Junior Area Manager Rp 10,0 Jt
46. Junior Audit Rp 2,1 Jt
47. Junior Manager Rp 9,3 Jt
48. Junior Officer Rp 2,5 Jt
49. Junior Project Manager Rp 12,0 Jt
50. Junior Staff / Account Staff Rp 3,2 Jt

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Baca juga: Kumpulan Contoh Soal Keswa Polri Terbaru 2023 Sesuai dengan Kisi-Kisi Disertai Kunci Jawabannya

Demikianlah informasi mengenai daftar gaji karyawan Indomaret terbaru 2023 yang dapat kami sampaikan. Semoga informasi di atas bisa bermanfaat!
