Contoh 20 Soal Essay Conditional Sentence Type 1 2 3 Lengkap Dengan Kunci Jawabannya
Tipe Conditional Sentence
1. Conditional Sentence Type 0
Rumus: if + simple present, simple present
simple present + if + simple present
Contoh: a. if you drink a glass of milk before sleep, you sleep well = Jika kamu minum segelas susu sebelum tidur, kamu akan tidur nyenyak.
2. Conditional Sentence Type 1
Rumus: if + simple present, simple future tense
simple future + if + simple present
Contoh kalimat:
a. If you tell your mom the truth, she will forgive you. = Jika kamu memberitahu ibumu yang sebenarnya, dia akan memaafkanmu.
3. Conditional Sentence Type 2
Rumus: if + past tense, past future
past future + if + past tense
Contoh kalimat:
a. If I became the President of this country, I will pay more attention to the education sector. = Jika aku menjadi presiden di negara ini, aku akan lebih memperhatikan sektor pendidikan.
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4. Conditional Sentence Type 3
Rumus: if + past perfect, future perfect
future perfect + if + past perfect
Contoh kalimat: