Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Contoh Surat Pribadi Untuk Wali Kelas Bahasa Inggris dan Tata Cara Pembuatannya

Contoh Surat Pribadi Untuk Wali Kelas Bahasa Inggris dan Tata Cara Pembuatannya


Contoh Surat Pribadi Untuk Wali Kelas Bahasa Inggris

Untuk menulis surat pribadi sendiri bisa dengan berbagai macam bahasa dan tujuan dikirimnya, termasuk dikirim ke wali kelas. Berikut ini adalah contohnya:

Baca juga: Download Contoh Surat Pribadi Bahasa Bali Untuk Berbagai Keperluan PDF/Word yang Tinggal Edit Sendiri

Baca juga: Download Urutan Gerakan Senam Dasar PSHT (Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate), Disertai dengan Gambar dan Penjelasan

Baca juga: 3 Link Download Contoh Surat Pernyataan Ahli Waris yang Baik dan Benar dengan Format PDF/Word

- Contoh 1

Malang, 23 September 2022

Dear Miss Maria Lutfiana,

Through this letter, I’m writing to you as a former student and as a friend. The gratitude I feel for your presence in my life is priceless. You inspire, engage, and empower your students every single day and I wanted you to know that I really appreciate your care and attention.

Thank you for the time, patience, and realness. Thank you for always encouraging, supporting, and for caring about me. Thank you for inspiring me to learn and to help others the way you have.

With gratitude,

Adelia Ristianing

- Contoh 2

Dear Teacher,
There are so many things I wish I would have said to you while I occupied a desk in your classroom, once I graduated, or anytime really. You deserved to know how I felt every single day, but I didn't always say it, not because I didn't care but because you were always incredible to me.

I just grew to expect you swooping in and planting a smile on my face. In case you didn't know though, let me tell you exactly how I feel.To me, you were everything rolled into one: teacher, parent, friend, and kick in the pants.

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