Monday 24th of February 2025

Contoh Surat Balasan Bahasa Inggris Full Block Style Untuk Penawaran Bisnis yang Baik dan Benar

Contoh Surat Balasan Bahasa Inggris Full Block Style Untuk Penawaran Bisnis yang Baik dan Benar


Contoh Surat Balasan 3

May 17, 2022 From : Charlotte Yang 45 Willow Street Seattle, Washington 98103 Dear Ms. Jane In the midst of a busy routine and work, we understand that you, of course, do not want to miss the time to take care of your face without having to feel bothered and spend too much time.

Since we understand this need, we would like to introduce you to our best-selling product, the “Muglowing” face mask. Some of the benefits that you can get from this mask include:

Baca juga: Contoh Surat Tanda Registrasi S1 PT KAI yang Baik dan Benar Untuk Melamar Kerja

Baca juga: Contoh Surat Izin Praktik Perawat (SIPP) Sesuai Aturan Kementerian Kesehatan yang Baik dan Benar

Many of our clients have benefited from this mask. One of our clients from Boston, Andrea Farr, said, “ Muglowing face mask have helped me achieve a healthier face with ease of use.”

Contact us at our phone number 813 – 509 – 7427 or via our email address at to get our catalog, which contains more info about this face mask. Say goodbye to time-consuming face masks!

P.S.: Get 20% discount and free refill for your first order!

Best regards, Charlotte Yang Head of Marketing Division of Gioderma Cosmetics, Inc

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