Referensi Teks MC Bahasa Inggris Islami (Pondok Pesantren), Sederhana dan Mudah Untuk Dipraktekkan!

And the last agenda is closing
Dear audiences
Now we step on the first agenda, that is opening ,lets open our program by reciting Ummul qur’an.By hope ,his willing always accompany our step on this agenda. الى هذه اننية الصالحة.......الفا تحة
Thank you very much.
the second agenda is reading of holy qur’an, that’s will be read by Faridatul Islamiyah Wahdana from 10-3 grade. To my sister Faridatul Islamiyah Wahdana. A valuable time is yours.صدق الله العظيم
Thanks a lot.
Dear audience
The third agenda is giving syahadah to mudabbir period 2011/2012 by headmistress of Al-Amin For Girl. To Hj. Munhidlotul Ummah. The floor is yours.
Dear audience
The fourt agenda is inagural session mudabbir period 2012/2013. It will be give by ........................... , To,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the time is yours
Thanks , we hope they do the best.
The fifth agenda is speech by some speakers
The first speech will be deliver by a vice of mudabbir 2011/2012 , To Alif Zakiatul Fikriyah time is yours
Thanks a lot.
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