Sunday 23rd of February 2025

Referensi Teks MC Bahasa Inggris Islami (Pondok Pesantren), Sederhana dan Mudah Untuk Dipraktekkan!

Referensi Teks MC Bahasa Inggris Islami (Pondok Pesantren), Sederhana dan Mudah Untuk Dipraktekkan!


The next speech wil be deliver by a vice of mudabbir 2012/2013. To Ike ismawati ,the floor is yours.


To the last speaker will be deliver by .......................... . 

To ................................. the beutiful stage is yours

Thank’s very much

The next agenda is closing and praying. Well happy Ladies and gentlemen,

We have enjoyed agenda by agenda and now we are going to the last agenda that is closing. It will be closed by Ust Hanafi. But before closing our programme this evening, we realize that we have done many mistakes during bringing this program. So we apologize to you all for every single mistake we have done. Thanks very much for your coming here. May God bless you now or forever.

واللة الموافق الى اقوام اطارق. والسلام عليكم ورحمة اللة وبرلاته

To .................................... a valuable time is yours

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Nah, itu dia informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan kepada kalian semua. Semoga artikel ini bisa berguna dan bermanfaat.
