Contoh Berita Acara Bahasa Inggris, Bisa Dijadikan Referensi Untuk Pemula!
Item 2: Marketing Strategy for the Upcoming Product Launch Ms. Linda Wilson presented the marketing strategy for the new product launch. The team discussed the target audience, advertising channels, and budget allocation. The marketing plan was approved with minor revisions.
Item 3: Employee Recognition Program Updates Mr. James Turner provided an update on the Employee Recognition Program. He mentioned that the program's implementation would start next week. All attendees expressed support for this initiative.
Item 4: Any Other Business No other items were raised.
Next Meeting Date: October 5, 2023, at 2:00 PM, in Conference Room A.
Meeting Adjourned: 4:30 PM
These minutes are a true and accurate record of the meeting proceedings.
John Smith Chairperson
Mary Johnson Secretary
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